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What Makes Chicken Noodle Soup So Special?

When you’re down after a long day at work or starting to feel a little sick, the go-to meal is often the classic chicken noodle soup. But what about this cure-all makes it so unique? That’s what we’re here to investigate today. While it’s not a cure-all, chicken noodle soup does offer some benefits that can help make you feel better and less sluggish.

If you’re looking for the best soup in NH, stop by Bagel Mill! We have a wide variety of daily soups and chowders for everyone! Now, here’s what we have to say about chicken noodle soup.

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It Starts With the Best Ingredients

Have you ever wondered why Mom gave you chicken noodle soup when you were feeling under the weather? Well, broth is perfect for managing the flu and cold season! The warm, comforting broth hydrates your body and soothes irritated tissues in your throat. Therefore, it’s perfect for helping keep some fluids in your body and reduce overall inflammation. 

Secondly, the seasonings are also essential! When you’re sick, it can be hard to taste anything which makes eating difficult or annoying. That’s where salt and other seasonings come into play! Salt is one of the only flavors that can break through to your taste buds. Plus, when you can actually enjoy the flavor, it’s easier to eat and keep up your energy levels!

So what’s the third reason that chicken noodle soup comes out on top? 

The veggies! Even just a small amount of carrot, celery, and onion can offer essential nutrients that help your immune system. For example, vitamin C and K can help your body recover faster and feel better, which can get you back on your feet. 

And, of course, there’s the chicken. A good chicken noodle soup has a good amount of protein to help your body sustain the healing process. It’s also full of healthy nutrients that are good for your body, which can help improve your mood! 


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The Best Homemade Soup is at Bagel Mill

If the cool fall days leave you craving a good bowl of homemade soup, stop by Bagel Mill! Our daily offerings change daily, so be sure to check us out on Facebook or give us a call to see what we have to offer! Bagel Mill soups are made from scratch, always fresh, and use only the best available ingredients.

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